
Explore the menu

Our menu boasts a variety of options, including seafood, steaks, vegetarian and vegan meals, and our famous duck. If you’re feeding two or more people, we recommend one of our delicious banquets, which include a starter, a second course, and even a third or fourth course with some types of banquets, all alongside your main course.

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What is good food without
good drinks?

In addition to our mouth-watering food, we also offer an impressive cocktail menu. With our range of cocktails you can be sure to both eat and drink in style. Be sure to check out our drinks selection when ordering to bring that extra touch to your meal.

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Dietary Requirements

Please do not hesitate to give us a call if you’d like to discuss any dietary requirements, including intolerances and allergies. Our team are more than happy to help and suit your needs.

Like what you see?

Contact us

If you have any dietary questions or would like to make a reservation, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you in any way possible.